Xfm Underground

Our song "Long Wait" is in the Xfm Underground Chart. It's been quite a struggle but finally we manage to get our song in the chart. "Long Wait" was in the chart for 3 weeks now where it started from no. 23 to no. 15 and this week to no. 12. We really hope that the fans will vote our song and your support are deeply appreciated. Thanks. To vote our song, just go to this link: http://www.xfm.com.my/zonX/XFMU/ and click UNDI.

Astro Hitz Channel 705

Crashin' Butterfliez will appear on ASTRO Hitz channel 705 tonight at 8.30pm - 9.00pm for "Out & About – Rock n’ Riuh Warner Music Promo Tour, Sabah & Sarawak" edition.

Compilation Album - Malaysia Indie Scene

Our song "Long Wait" is featured in a compilation CD, Malaysia Indie Scene titled Mighty Melody created by SEAindie. We're really proud to be among some of the big indie band names such as Nice Stupid Playground, Yuna, Couple, Romancesa, Liyana Fizi and more. This CD will be out in February 2011. Check out your local music store to buy one.

Cats Exposed Chart

Crashin' Butterfliez with its song "Bukannya Mudah" is No. 2 this week in Cats.FM Exposed Chart. Our million thanks to the fans that supported us for putting our song on top of the chart. Do vote for our song by typing "SKI Crashin' Butterfliez" and send it to 33080. Thanks for the support guys. Support local music scene and rock on!